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Hoe kunnen we goederen in slechts uren in plaats van dagen door Europa verzenden? En wereldwijd in een paar dagen? In de Randstad wordt onderzoek gedaan naar een pilotroute die een eerste stap zou vormen in een pan-Europees emissieloos hyperloopnetwerk.
Producten binnen enkele uren door heel Europa verzenden
Ondernemen010, 21 januari 2021
A charging station for electric cars that is completely transparent in the way it distributes energy and the choices that are being made in this smart charging process: that is exactly what the Transparent Charging Station demonstrates. Because you have the right to know who's in charge!
Transparent Charging Station
Elaad NL, 2017
Co-Emerging Futures A model for reflecting on streams of future change
The four co-emerging futures introduced in this paper maps the key streams of unfolding change that are transforming our world. With the decline of global leadership and governance, diverging worldviews are shaping narratives, investments and cooperation into distinctly different future directions. The impact of the Anthropocene and climate change has brought the world to a critical point where ecosystems are threatened with collapse. Yet there is no consensus on how to act in the face of this treat. The paper serves as a source of inspiration, reflection and critical thinking about the streams of co-emerging futures and the implications for innovation and design.
Future Studies - Philips Design, Researchgate,2019
City Veins —
MIT Senseable City Lab
How efficient is driver-by sensing for real-time environmental monitoring of cities? Equipping various urban vehicles with low-cost sensors, we create a dense and mobile network of environmental sensors. This drive-by sensing approach provides a spatial and temporal coverage that complements stationary sensors at a fraction of the deployment and maintenance costs.
City Veins, MIT Senseable City Lab, 2020
Transforming Amsterdam's canals with a fleet of autonomous boats
Roboat is a new kind of on-demand infrastructure: autonomous platforms will combine together to form floating bridges and stages, collect waste, deliver goods, and transport people, all while collecting data about the city.
Robot, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, MIT, 2020
Rotterdams Weerwoord, een programma van de gemeente Rotterdam, stelde vier ontwerpbureaus voor een uitdaging: bedenk en ontwerp een toekomstscenario voor Rotterdam, rekening houdend met wat de stad te wachten staat als het op klimaatverandering aankomt, en wetende dat het weer steeds extremer wordt en de zeespiegel zal stijgen. Ga er daarbij van uit dat besloten wordt niet langer te vechten tegen het water maar dat we het gaan omarmen. En vraag je af of, en zo ja, hoe we dan in 2060 nog in Rotterdam kunnen wonen.
Meteopolis tentoonstelling, Rotterdams Weerwoord, IABR, 2021
Today, self-drive cars are presented as social spaces for relaxing commutes, but Digicars are closer to economy airlines, offering the most basic, but humane experience. It is essentially an appliance, or computer, constantly calculating the best, most economic route.
United Micro Kingdoms, A Design Fiction